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article by Vinings’ Herbalist, Ms Yaso Shan
The current heatwave may have brought many of us to the beaches and the great outdoors but for those who are warywant to buy Pregabalin of excessive sun exposure and the risks to skin health, a good quality skincare product containing sunscreen is a must. A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed that “up to 90% of the visible changes commonly attributed to ageing may be caused by sun exposure”. It is therefore hardly surprising that many of us want to protect our skin whilst enjoying the benefits of the sunny outdoors.
There is a lot of information out there about sunscreen safety however, not all of it is reliable. To those who are keen advocates of natural skincare products not least of which is a desire to be environmentally friendly, it may be difficult to determine which source of information is worth taking seriously as many of them seem unnecessarily alarmist whilst others are misleading or downright confusing. Terms such as nanoparticles, carcinogens and coral bleaching are all legitimate terms but they certainly don’t apply to all suncare products so it is worth taking a moment to consider the facts.