Using Homeopathy to Treat common illnesses
Sophia Russell RSHom MFHT
Did you know, the NHS has stopped issuing prescriptions for coughs, colds and nasal congestion? Luckily, help is at hand for common ailments with homeopathy.
In case you don’t already know, Homeopathy is a system of natural health care that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years. It treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability.
What can homeopathy treat?
Anything! From long-term, chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, thyroid issues, IBS, menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms etc. to mental and emotional states like anxiety, ADHD, depression and grief to first aid situations and common ailments. While you need to come and see me for treatment for long term (chronic) conditions, you can learn for yourself how to treat acute situations at home for yourself and your family.
I love acute prescribing!
This was my beginning with homeopathy in my early twenties, well before I trained as a homeopath. As a new mother, I chose to equip myself with those homeopathic remedies that could be useful in a home first aid situation. (You can get a little kit from the homeopathic pharmacy, or through me). In the early years the fever remedies were of great comfort to us all and, to this day, I know I would not have managed four children without Chamomilla for the awful teething times! As a busy birth and postnatal doula, I was often asked to administer homeopathic remedies to my clients during labour and for post-partum recovery from tears and stitches, bruising, etc. Later, I ran a karate school teaching adults and children, so there was plenty of scope for acute situations there. Fainting in the heat, asthma attacks, broken fingers and toes, dislocation, bruising and the odd split lip from free-sparring were rare, if occupational, hazards.
This is me, out in the field – quite literally – working in the clinic of the Travelling Homeopaths Collective at Glastonbury Festival. It’s a place where festival-goers can come for homeopathy treatment with all sorts of first aid and acute ailments. There is never a dull moment, helping with hangovers, lost voices from too much raving, sunburn, insect bites/stings, lots of hay fever, homesickness, and so on. All can be greatly and effectively relieved by homeopathic medicines.
Want to learn how?
I teach a one-day workshop where you can learn how to treat accidents and common ailments quickly, effectively and safely at home with homeopathic remedies.
The workshop price includes a copy of “Get Well Soon – A Guide to Homeopathic First Aid” for you to keep.
“A very insightful course. Having used my Helios box of remedies for years now, it was helpful to delve deeper into the 18 remedies. The case studies helped bring the learning to life and embed the learning. A useful course for anyone who wants to use homeopathy as a tool in their home first aid kit. Great for managing acute symptoms, useful for coughs, colds, flu, upset tummies etc. Many thanks.” Helen Turier
“Lots of useful information enabling us to prescribe for acute situations, giving me more confidence to choose a remedy for a person and their symptoms rather than prescribe for any specific ailment/disease”. Rachael Adari
With Sophia Russell RSHom MFHT
Registered Homeopath
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