Cranio Sacral Therapy – what happens during a session?
Vinings is delighted to welcome Lisa Moore, an experienced Cranio Sacral Therapist, to the team of practitioners working from the lovely relaxed surroundings of Vinings Natural Health Centre.
Lisa explains what to expect from a typical session:
“We will always start with a written case history, this allows me to understand the exact reasons for your visit, and this is really important. Typically the session lasts between 40 – 50 minutes, although this can vary. You remain clothed, and will usually lie face up, but if this is uncomfortable you can lie on your side or you may be seated.
I will make light contact with your head, the base of your spine, and other areas, encouraging your body to relax and begin to make the changes it needs. Sometimes you will feel as if I am moving your head, arms or legs but it should all feel natural and comfortable, there is never any force applied. Because the body functions as a whole, I may focus on areas other than where your symptoms occur – remember the song: your hip bones connected to your thigh bone? Well, everything is connected, so an issue in your neck could be related to a sprained ankle that happened a long time ago. I know it sounds odd but our bodies are very good at bringing us back to “normality” and if this means that you stand slightly twisted as that eases a pain on your ankle, then this will form a habit that may eventually manifest as neck pain!
After a session there is occasionally a short period of adjustment as part of the healing process, where you may become more aware of symptoms. Sometimes people report relief after one one or two sessions: this was certainly true for me when I started having CRT! For long-standing problems, further sessions may be needed, and many people report that they benefit from regular treatent – think of it as a regular MOT! They say that, as well as noticing improvement in their physical or emotional symptoms, they feel that they have more awareness of their own needs and strengths, and their quality of life has improved.”
If you feel that some sessions of Cranio Sacral Therapy with Lisa could help you, call her on 01444 847 951 or email her on
Click on the link to find out more about Cranio Sacral Therapy
Click on the link to find out more about Lisa Moore
Are you a typical client for hypnotherapy?
“Who is a typical client for hypnotherapy? What would a client come to see me for?” asks Vinings’ Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist, Judy Sharp.
I have been looking through my client files recently, analysing who it is who has come to see me, and why.
The age range is from mid-20s to late 60s, with a couple of clients in their 70s. Proportion about 1/3 men to 2/3 women. Issues range far and wide, from various fears and phobias to giving up smoking; from weight problems to pain control. But actually, underlying many of these “presenting problems” as we call them, were emotional and relationship issues.
Typically a woman will reach that point in her life when the youngest child is just off to university, there could well be a crisis of some kind in the relationship with her husband, perhaps issues from her childhood have been triggered …. any one of these on its own would be enough to pile on weight, but two or more and it is almost certain that there will be comfort eating and it will be tough to get rid of the excess weight. I don’t recommend more hours in the gym or fewer lettuce leaves for lunch; rather I help the client to trace back the real root cause of the issue, and we resolve it at source, be that childhood in this life or way back in another lifetime.
Or it may be that a client will say something like, “I feel something’s come over me” or “I’m not myself” or “I want my old self back:” Have you found yourself saying that? That indicates to me that you could well have picked up a spirit “Passenger” along the way. Nothing dramatic, it can be sorted out very easily – and voilá, you have your old self back!
Fear of success; addictive behaviours; nagging anxiety; sleep walking or activity in a sleep state; lack of confidence: do any of those ring a bell with you? If so – you are a typical client for hypnotherapy, and I would love to hear from you!
You can call me on 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512.
My website is: and you will find lots more information about me and the way I work there.
Problems sleeping? See what our practitioners recommend!
We are launching a regular new series of articles where we look at one health issues and ask our experienced practitioners for their input. Sleeping problems seem to crop up on everyone’s agenda, so it’s a good one to start with.
Sleep is vitally important for our overall wellbeing. Interrupted sleep or lack of sleep can have a serious, long-term effect on our health, and may lead to issues such as irritability, depression, reduced mental alertness, headaches and physical fatigue.
Many factors may affect the amount and quality of sleep you achieve on a regular basis, for instance:
- stress
- depression, anxiety and / or worry
- hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms
- medication
- diet – quality of food, timing of meals
- outside factors eg noisy neighbours, uncomfortable bed, partner who snores, very young children waking in the night
- variable shift work prevents the body from establishing a regular routine
- certain illnesses and pain will hinder deep, restful sleep.
When looking to resolve your sleeping problems, it is important to establish the real cause – it could well be a combination of various factors. Take an holistic approach – in other words, look at your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being rather than just one of these in isolation.
It t is always recommended that you consult a qualified practitioner before self-diagnosing!
At Vinings Natural Health Centre our experienced practitioners can help uncover the root cause and deal with it.
BAD FOODS, GOOD FOODS (from Yaso Shan, Herbalist at Vinings)
Biscuits, cakes, chocolates and other foods that are high in refined sugars | Green vegetables except spinach |
Coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate drinks and fizzy drinks (too much caffeine and / or sugar) | Lettuce (a natural sedative) |
Red meats, rich creamy dishes and cheese (high in protein and difficult to digest, especially late at night) | Porridge (slow-release carbs will regulate sugar and energy levels) |
Spicy dishes, curry or oriental foods (can cause heartburn, which will disturb sleep) | Sunflower and pumpkin seeds (high in magnesium to relax muscles, relieve stress and promote sleep) |
Alcohol and tobacco (disrupt body processes and are generally bad for health) | Wholegrain foods and other low glycemic index (GI) foods (eg wholewheat foods, brown rice, oats). These regulate blood sugar levels, calm and soothe the gut and nervous system. |
Bacon, ham, sausages, sauerkraut, spinach and tomatoes, all of which increase adrenaline which will keep the body alert at night, not conducive to getting to sleep | Increased complex carbs in wholefoods (eg pasta) boosts serotonin levels which promotes sleep. Serotonin is regarded as the body’s natural relaxant and anti-depressant. |
Cottage cheese, turkey, yoghurt, bananas and avocado are all high in tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, promoting good sleep |
Let’s look now at some ideas from our practitioners. First, Vinings’ herbalist, Yaso Shan:Take steps to lower your stress levels. Apart from yoga, meditation (or mindfulness), aerobic exercise, a hobby or just socialising with friends can help you relax.
Herbal remedies can help to calm, soothe and relax the mind and the body. Recommended herbs include chamomile tea, hops, valerian, passion flower, lemon balm, Californian poppy, lettuce and St John’s Wort. Natural remedies such as these avoid the unwanted side-effects of grogginess that some prescription drugs may cause.
Julia Biggs, Vinings’ Acupuncturist, emphasises the importance of quality sleep for good health. Acupuncture has a long history of treating all types of sleep disorder. Unlike conventional therapies, it addresses the underlying causes of disturbed sleep, providing safe and effective relief for many conditions including difficulty dropping off; night sweats; snoring; early waking; restless legs; and dream disturbed sleep. Treatment is customised to a client’s individual needs and restores balance on the physical level as well as helping to relax and quieten the mind.
Carole Thornton, Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist and Healer at Vinings, suggests creating a new bedtime regime. She advises leaving 2 – 3 hours after your last meal so that your digestive system can do its work before you go to bed – and, of course, ensure that you eat the right sort of foods especially late at night!
Modern gadgets stimulate the brain and are not good for encouraging sleep. Remove computers, tablets and mobile phones from the bedroom – not only are they highly distracting, the blue screens are very disruptive to the brain.
A warm, relaxing lavender bath will soothe, and massaging two drops of neat lavender oil into the soles of your feet will act as a natural sedative. Put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue under your pillow in the morning, then turn the pillow over when you go to bed and you will have the beautifully relaxing scent of lavender as you drift off to sleep. Sandalwood is a good alternative is lavender is not for you.
Read something uplifting before you sleep, and keep a gratitude diary, noting good things that you experienced during the day. And, of course – relax. Just sit quietly and say the word “relax” over and over. Ensure your whole body is relaxed – no clenched fists or teeth – and let thoughts drift out as easily as they drift in. In time, this will become much easier and will certainly help you to have a good night’s sleep.