The need to give and receive attention
As I write this latest in the series of blogs on our basic psychological needs, Valentines Day is nearly upon us. Naturally attitudes vary about this day with it’s increasing commercial attention. The purpose of the day has become increasingly blurred, with people giving cards and presents to loved ones at various levels. There are even websites promoting Valentines for pets!
At it’s simplest though, perhaps it is an opportunity to focus on the basic need for intimacy that we discussed in the previous blog of this series. Remember that intimacy is something that can be shared at different levels with different people. It’s not necessarily about love and romance.
Closely linked to intimacy is another basic human need – the need to regularly give and receive attention.
We all need a challenge (it’s a basic psychological need)
In this latest blog in my series on meeting your psychological needs I am focusing on our need for challenge.
Not everybody wants to climb Everest, swim the channel or run an ultra-marathon. Some people do these things without thinking, but they are not essential to everybody. When it comes to being creative, which is related to challenge, we don’t all want to become the new Picasso. While it may be true that we all have a novel in us, we might be perfectly happy to keep it there!
However on some level, there is a basic human need to be challenged. If we live a life entirely based on habit, a safe environment, comfort and casual social interaction, over time, it is very likely that our boundaries of what is safe will shift.
Exam confidence – New Workshop
Exam season is almost upon us and many young people will be working towards qualifications in earnest now.
It can be hard enough focusing on doing the work and making sure you are revising thoroughly enough. For many, though there is the stress, anxiety and worry of the exams themselves.
Exams, by definition, can be very stressful. By their very nature they ‘high stakes’ and can feel like your whole future depends on them. Added to this, they frequently take place in an alien environment that is nothing like the normal learning space. Students can feel isolated and exposed in a hall of desk upon desk.
It is no wonder that many students can experience varying symptoms. Ranging from butterflies, lack of sleep and even occasionally all-out panic attack both before and during the exams.
I am one of Vinings’ Life Coaches and a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming. I have worked with many teenagers and older students, both in schools and one-to-one. By changing the way they experience the exams and employing some techniques, I have found that they can often feel significantly better.
Feeling better can also mean that students perform better and can be more focused on their work.
That is why I have planned this one-off exam confidence session on Tuesday 30 April at Cafe Rouge in Haywards Heath.
The session is aimed at students and a parent or parents. I will talk about the causes and effects of exam stress and then teach some techniques and approaches that can help students cope better over the period. The presence of parents ensures that there is someone else who is familiar with the techniques who can support them to consciously use the techniques going forward.
If you are interested in attending this event, numbers are limited to 22 and some places are already allocated so please do sign up soon. You can purchase tickets on my website, or make your booking directly over the phone on 07877074053.