Posts Tagged ‘hypnotherapy’


Written by Caroline Burton. Posted in Blog

Screen shot 2015-01-12 at 9.03.17 PMThis is the time of year when New Year’s Resolutions abound – losing weight, stopping smoking, doing more exercise – you know the sort of thing. Most people join a gym for all of a couple of months before giving up. Would-be non-smokers may try all sorts of sprays, gums and other remedies – but still the temptation is too strong. Hypnotherapy works to effectively “re-programme” old habits and establish fresh, healthier habits in the unconscious. For those who want to lose weight, I honestly believe the secret is in uncovering the real underlying emotional reasons why you are holding onto that excess weight in the first place. This could be due to any number of reasons in this life – or even a past-life trauma. Whatever the root cause, we will find it and, more importantly, resolve it, allowing you to move on with your life. And if the solution is a Hypnotic Gastric Band – I can do that too. It is non-invasive, safer, quicker and easier than bariatric surgery – and far more cost-effective too! So whatever your new year’s resolution – the answer could well be hypnotherapy! Judy Sharp, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist at Vinings

The Power of Past Lives

Written by Caroline Burton. Posted in Blog

from Judy Sharp, our hypnotherapist and past life therapist The more I work with clients across a range of issues from holding on to weight to depression, from a strange phobia to general anxiety, the more I realise just how many of them can be traced back to a past life. It is a personal challenge of mine to somehow make people understand that working with past lives is not just “over there” stuff for hippies and wierdos, it is a very powerful healing tool for everyone. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with spirituality and the Universal Laws. A client doesn’t actually have to believe in past lives or reincarnation for the healing to work: it is the process of discovering the root cause of a particular problem and resolving the issue that triggers the healing. I was talking with my teacher / mentor the other day and he told me yet another lovely story. One of the students in his group, a volunteer for a demonstration of a past life session, showed the class some nasty marks down his back. He said he got them while working on a building site, there had been an accident with some cement. He was a good subject and went back to a past life where he had been whipped and burned on his back. The following week he reported that his back was starting to heal, his long-standing wounds were vanishing, all on their own. Re-reading the works of Dr Brian Weiss, Roger Woolger, Ian Stevenson and Roy Stemman reminded me all over again of the thousands of case studies that have been verified and that now support this whole theory. I am passionate about this part of my work and know from the amazing results I get just how powerful it is – you can find case studies on my website: . related text:  Judy Sharp

Past Lives and Life between Lives Workshop Sunday 18th May

Written by Caroline Burton. Posted in Uncategorized

On Sunday 18th May, our hypnotherapist and past life therapist Judy Sharp will be holding another of her regular half-day workshops at Vinings. In what promises to be a fascinating morning, Judy will explore a number of key areas related to Past Lives and Life between Lives:
  • an overview of how the concepts of past lives and reincarnation are viewed among different civilisations and through different times in history
  • examples taken from the mounting mountain of evidence and researched, verified case studies from around the world
  • examples of ways in which traumas experienced in a past life may well be at the root cause of issues in our current lives – health, relationships, money and more
  • what exactly is “life between lives” and what happens in that period?
  • your soul group travels with you through lifetimes – who is with you this time round, and what role do they play?
Workshop starts at 10.00am and will finish around 1.00pm,  with run-over time for questions if needed. Price:  £20 to include refreshments at coffee break. Information and booking: Judy Sharp   Tel:   01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512 Email: Website:


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF

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