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Start this promising year getting to know yourself better and finally address your physical and emotional symptoms from their root.

Ayurveda, the science of longevity, is a complete and unique medical system aiming to balance and empower your body, mind, and that sparkle within, so you can re-unite with health and happiness. Understanding why you are not feeling your best and working on the root cause is at the core of Ayurvedic medicine. With tailored nutrition, medicinal herbs, body therapies and more, Ayurveda remains today one of the most effective and sustainable way to treat many conditions and especially chronic ailments in the West.

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buy Pregabalin indiaIn general, we all have a basic need to have connection with others. While there are a few exceptions, such as those on the autistic spectrum, the need for intimacy on some level is vital to our mental, emotional and physical well-being. This is why, for most people, solitary confinement or exclusion are such painful and cruel punishments.

If you are not fulfilling your need for intimacy, you are highly likely to experience some level of depression and anxiety. 

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Many of us are lucky enough to have a partner or a spouse, with whom we can share intimate moments. From a gentle touch on the arm, to kissing and sexual intercourse, we are fortunate to be able to deeply fulfill our need for intimacy. This may seem the ideal, but even if you live alone, it is still possible to improve this area of your life. It is also true to say that relationships with a loved one may not always be running at their best, and the intimacy that once was there, may now be less.


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
