New dates for Reiki level 1 and level 2 Courses
Sophia Russell has announced two new dates for her successful trainings in Reiki. Both dates are in August and the Practitioner Course is on 3rd, so not much time left to book.
Details are below.

Get yourself a mini massage at Lindfield Village day.

For a donation to St. Peter and St. James Hospice, you can get a free massage from one of our highly experienced therapists. So why not come along to Lindfield Village Day on Saturday between 12.00 and 5.00 on 1 June 2024 and visit the Vinings Natural Health Centre stall.
You can also get lots of advice on homeopathy and nutritional therapy and meet some of our experts.
Attending the stall will be:
- Caroline Burton – massage and foot care
- Carole Thornton – massage, reiki, NLP and coaching
- Sophia Russell – aroma therapy, ‘M’ technique, reiki and homeopathy
- Janine Thornton – nutritionist
It will be lovely to see you there.
New Reiki Courses for 2024
Sophia Russell, Reiki Master and Teacher , is running two Reiki courses in January and February 2024. The first course, on 27 January is a Level One (foundation) course for those wishing to learn to use it for themselves and their friends.
The second, on 3 February, is a more advanced Level 2 practitioner course. Further details of both courses are below.
Sophia also offers treatments at our centre in Haywards Heath.