Break free from fears and phobias!

Written by Caroline Burton. Posted in Blog

How fears and phobias hold us back – by Judy Sharp, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist, Vinings

Mary was delighted to become a grandmother for the first time. But her new grandson was in Hong Kong and her fear of flying made it impossible for her to go and visit him.
Sally’s daughter was terrified of dogs. Her walk to school was a nightmare, and playing in the park was out of the question.
Dave loved driving but would have to check every route because he couldn’t bear to drive over bridges. It added miles to each journey, wasted valuable time and cost extra in fuel.

Mary sent me an email with a photo of her holding her grandson in Hong Kong. Sally’s daughter no longer dreads the walk to school. Dave has discovered many scenic new routes since he overcame his fear of bridges.

If you know someone who is being held back in their personal or professional life by a fear or a phobia (one is just a more severe version of the other), why not reassure them that help is at hand?

I’m always happy to have a chat about the issues that are stopping people reaching their full potential. Feel free to give me a call on 07597 020 512 or email me on:


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    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF

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