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It seems ages ago that we held our Open Day, and our therapists are still getting calls from people who come along to see us on the day, which is very encouraging. The Open Day was held to mark the 25th anniversary of Vinings Natural Health Centre offering holistic and complementary therapies and treatments to those in and around Haywards Heath. Things have changed a lot in the last 25 years, of course, and it was lovely to welcome a new generation of people to Vinings to meet our team of therapists. Those offering taster sessions in acupuncture and various forms of massage were kept very busy while other therapists made time to talk about their work to those who wondered how it all worked. The lucky winners of our raffle won vouchers for free sessions – congratulations to you all! The challenge is that, having been in our lovely peaceful location for 25 years, we have perhaps become part of the local furniture, and so it was great fun to have a stand in The Orchards Shopping Centre on a couple of occasions prior to the Open Day, to meet people and say “hello”. Friends old and new stopped by for a chat, and many went home with a copy of our new brochure which explains exactly who we are and what we do. We’ll be holding more “Taster Days” in the autumn, another opportunity for you to drop in and meet the team – and maybe win a voucher for a free session yourself!

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On Sunday 18th May, our hypnotherapist and past life therapist Judy Sharp will be holding another of her regular half-day workshops at Vinings. In what promises to be a fascinating morning, Judy will explore a number of key areas related to Past Lives and Life between Lives:
  • an overview of how the concepts of past lives and reincarnation are viewed among different civilisations and through different times in history
  • examples taken from the mounting mountain of evidence and researched, verified case studies from around the world
  • examples of ways in which traumas experienced in a past life may well be at the root cause of issues in our current lives – health, relationships, money and more
  • what exactly is “life between lives” and what happens in that period?
  • your soul group travels with you through lifetimes – who is with you this time round, and what role do they play?
Workshop starts at 10.00am and will finish around 1.00pm,  with run-over time for questions if needed. Price:  £20 to include refreshments at coffee break. Information and booking: Judy Sharp   Tel:   01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512 Email:  judy@effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk Website:  www.effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk

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On Saturday 10th May we are holding an Open Day to mark our Silver Jubilee – 25 years of providing holistic healthcare from our home in Haywards Heath! There will be a full programme of talks, demonstrations and taster sessions, with competitions and prizes as well as tasty refreshments. It’s a great opportunity to come along and meet our practitioners and see Vinings for yourself. You don’t have to book, just drop in – any time from 10am to 5pm – we look forward to seeing you!


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
