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This year’s Town Day is being held in Victoria Park on Saturday 13th September and we shall be there to say hello to friends old and new! You can find us close to the model railway – just follow the track and you’ll see our tent! You’ll be able to enjoy free mini massage sessions and talk to the various therapists who will be there during the day. It’s a good opportunity to have an informal chat about any aspects of natural healthcare, to ask those questions that have been bubbling under or just to find out more about us. We’ve been offering a wide range of natural therapies and treatments for 25 years now – but in a growing town like Haywards Heath there are always newcomers who don’t know about us, so meeting people is always something we are keen to do. The Town Day is a great day for all the family – whatever the weather! So do come and join in the fun, and stop by to say hello.

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DAVID FEAKES MA; DHom (UK); MCMA David is a qualified Homeopath who studied at the School of Homeopathy in Gloucestershire and is a fully qualified practitioner member of the Complementary Medical Association. He is a contributor to Choice Health Magazine and is currently working on further publications in the Homeopathic field. Tel: 07906 338 584 Website: www.villagehomeopathy.blogspot.co.uk


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF