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On Sunday 18th May, our hypnotherapist and past life therapist Judy Sharp will be holding another of her regular half-day workshops at Vinings. In what promises to be a fascinating morning, Judy will explore a number of key areas related to Past Lives and Life between Lives:
  • an overview of how the concepts of past lives and reincarnation are viewed among different civilisations and through different times in history
  • examples taken from the mounting mountain of evidence and researched, verified case studies from around the world
  • examples of ways in which traumas experienced in a past life may well be at the root cause of issues in our current lives – health, relationships, money and more
  • what exactly is “life between lives” and what happens in that period?
  • your soul group travels with you through lifetimes – who is with you this time round, and what role do they play?
Workshop starts at 10.00am and will finish around 1.00pm,  with run-over time for questions if needed. Price:  £20 to include refreshments at coffee break. Information and booking: Judy Sharp   Tel:   01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512 Email:  judy@effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk Website:  www.effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk

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On Saturday 10th May we are holding an Open Day to mark our Silver Jubilee – 25 years of providing holistic healthcare from our home in Haywards Heath! There will be a full programme of talks, demonstrations and taster sessions, with competitions and prizes as well as tasty refreshments. It’s a great opportunity to come along and meet our practitioners and see Vinings for yourself. You don’t have to book, just drop in – any time from 10am to 5pm – we look forward to seeing you!


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF