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The Vinings Team supports Haywards Heath Town Day every year. It is a fun day for all the family in Victoria Park, and this year is extra special because it is linked to the 175th anniversary of the railway arriving in Haywards Heath. 

Do come along and say hello to the therapists who are there. It’s a great opportunity to come and chat about any aspect of natural health and wellbeing, and to find out more about who we are and what we do.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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“Who is a typical client for hypnotherapy? What would a client come to see me for?” asks Vinings’ Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist, Judy Sharp.

I have been looking through my client files recently, analysing who it is who has come to see me, and why.

The age range is from mid-20s to late 60s, with a couple of clients in their 70s. Proportion about 1/3 men to 2/3 women. Issues range far and wide, from various fears and phobias to giving up smoking; from weight problems to pain control. But actually, underlying many of these “presenting problems” as we call them, were emotional and relationship issues.

Typically a woman will reach that point in her life when the youngest child is just off to university, there could well be a crisis of some kind in the relationship with her husband, perhaps issues from her childhood have been triggered …. any one of these on its own would be enough to pile on weight, but two or more and it is almost certain that there will be comfort eating and it will be tough to get rid of the excess weight. I don’t recommend more hours in the gym or fewer lettuce leaves for lunch; rather I help the client to trace back the real root cause of the issue, and we resolve it at source, be that childhood in this life or way back in another lifetime. 

Or it may be that a client will say something like, “I feel something’s come over me” or “I’m not myself” or “I want my old self back:” Have you found yourself saying that? That indicates to me that you could well have picked up a spirit “Passenger” along the way. Nothing dramatic, it can be sorted out very easily – and voilá, you have your old self back!

Fear of success; addictive behaviours; nagging anxiety; sleep walking or activity in a sleep state; lack of confidence: do any of those ring a bell with you? If so – you are a typical client for hypnotherapy, and I would love to hear from you!

You can call me on 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512.

My website is:   buy generic Pregabalin  and you will find lots more information about me and the way I work there.

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Kirsty Lander, Vinings’ Naturopath, has a very special offer on all bookings made with her from 11th to 22nd July, for sessions up to 12th August 2016.

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You can find more information on Kirsty’s website, buy Pregabalin india and you can “like” her Facebook page “Sussex Naturopath” to be kept up to date with offers, health tips and the latest research in the field of natural health.



  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
