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The Art of Self Care:  Herbal and Holistic Wellbeing
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Our world is moving quickly. Many of us have very little down time and lots of pressure to constantly perform at a high level. We need to have a great career, be in the best shape, and have a fabulous marriage. Our kids need to be academic geniuses, athletically gifted, and get into prestigious colleges and universities. Having the latest designer clothing and the most expensive car we can afford (or not) proves our success. We then post it all on Facebook so we can compare ourselves to each other.

In reality, our job isn’t the dream we thought it would be, and we are working long hours. Our second job as parents includes shuttling kids all over town and finding time to cook and eat dinner.

What can all this frenzy lead to? Stress. We are frazzled, rushed, and trying to do it all. As a result of all this stress we can experience weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and digestive issues. The physical symptoms of stress become normal and the doctor prescribes medication. Long term chronic stress can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other serious illness.

Even though we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, the good news is that there are better ways of coping with stress in order to reduce the effects on our health. Self-care is essential for your physical and mental health and well-being. Self-care is at the bottom of the list for most women, giving way to the mother, wife and any other role that needs to be filled. So how do you keep up?

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Well, the long summer holidays are over – phew! Whether you’ve been away on the holiday of a lifetime, or been coping with little ones who get bored far too quickly; whether you’ve been on “granny duty” or trying to juggle job, home and holidays – now is the time to settle back into a routine.

Now is a good time to focus on you, too. With autumn well on the way, it’s time to get your whole system in shape. Hopefully you’ve topped up with sunshine through the summer – best natural source of vital Vitamin D – and now you should be thinking about those months ahead. Time to build up the immune system, pull the diet back on track, give up smoking instead of just talking about it – and yes, perhaps even a bit of pampering at every level if that’s what your body needs!

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This is Time for You – and the team at Vinings Natural Health Centre would be more than happy to help you towards optimal health and wellbeing!
Vinings Natural Health Centre is located in Church Road, Haywards Heath, behind the Orchards Shopping Centre. We have our own parking for clients, and it is a lovely peaceful place to come and unwind as the healing takes place.

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We are launching a regular new series of articles where we look at one health issues and ask our experienced practitioners for their input. Sleeping problems seem to crop up on everyone’s agenda, so it’s a good one to start with.

can you buy Pregabalin in canadaSleep is vitally important for our overall wellbeing. Interrupted sleep or lack of sleep can have a serious, long-term effect on our health, and may lead to issues such as irritability, depression, reduced mental alertness, headaches and physical fatigue.

Many factors may affect the amount and quality of sleep you achieve on a regular basis, for instance:

  • stress
  • depression, anxiety and / or worry
  • hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms
  • medication
  • diet – quality of food, timing of meals
  • outside factors eg noisy neighbours, uncomfortable bed, partner who snores, very young children waking in the night
  • variable shift work prevents the body from establishing a regular routine
  • certain illnesses and pain will hinder deep, restful sleep.

When looking to resolve your sleeping problems, it is important to establish the real cause – it could well be a combination of various factors. Take an holistic approach – in other words, look at your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being rather than just one of these in isolation.
It t is always recommended that you consult a qualified practitioner before self-diagnosing!

At Vinings Natural Health Centre our experienced practitioners can help uncover the root cause and deal with it.

BAD FOODS, GOOD FOODS                            (from Yaso Shan, Herbalist at Vinings)

Biscuits, cakes, chocolates and other foods that are high in refined sugarsGreen vegetables except spinach
Coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate drinks and fizzy drinks (too much caffeine and / or sugar)Lettuce (a natural sedative)
Red meats, rich creamy dishes and cheese (high in protein and difficult to digest, especially late at night)Porridge (slow-release carbs will regulate sugar and energy levels)
Spicy dishes, curry or oriental foods (can cause heartburn, which will disturb sleep)Sunflower and pumpkin seeds (high in magnesium to relax muscles, relieve stress and promote sleep)
Alcohol and tobacco (disrupt body processes and are generally bad for health)Wholegrain foods and other low glycemic index (GI) foods (eg wholewheat foods, brown rice, oats). These regulate blood sugar levels, calm and soothe the gut and nervous system.
Bacon, ham, sausages, sauerkraut, spinach and tomatoes, all of which increase adrenaline which will keep the body alert at night, not conducive to getting to sleepIncreased complex carbs in wholefoods (eg pasta) boosts serotonin levels which promotes sleep. Serotonin is regarded as the body’s natural relaxant and anti-depressant.
 Cottage cheese, turkey, yoghurt, bananas and avocado are all high in tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, promoting good sleep

Let’s look now at some ideas from our practitioners. First, Vinings’ herbalist, Yaso Shan:Take steps to lower your stress levels. Apart from yoga, meditation (or mindfulness), aerobic exercise, a hobby or just socialising with friends can help you relax.

Herbal remedies can help to calm, soothe and relax the mind and the body. Recommended herbs include chamomile tea, hops, valerian, passion flower, lemon balm, Californian poppy, lettuce and St John’s Wort. Natural remedies such as these avoid the unwanted side-effects of grogginess that some prescription drugs may cause.

Julia Biggs, Vinings’ Acupuncturist, emphasises the importance of quality sleep for good health. Acupuncture has a long history of treating all types of sleep disorder. Unlike conventional therapies, it addresses the underlying causes of disturbed sleep, providing safe and effective relief for many conditions including difficulty dropping off; night sweats; snoring; early waking; restless legs; and dream disturbed sleep. Treatment is customised to a client’s individual needs and restores balance on the physical level as well as helping to relax and quieten the mind.

Carole Thornton, Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist and Healer at Vinings, suggests creating a new bedtime regime. She advises leaving 2 – 3 hours after your last meal so that your digestive system can do its work before you go to bed – and, of course, ensure that you eat the right sort of foods especially late at night!

Modern gadgets stimulate the brain and are not good for encouraging sleep. Remove computers, tablets and mobile phones from the bedroom – not only are they highly distracting, the blue screens are very disruptive to the brain.

A warm, relaxing lavender bath will soothe, and massaging two drops of neat lavender oil into the soles of your feet will act as a natural sedative. Put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue under your pillow in the morning, then turn the pillow over when you go to bed and you will have the beautifully relaxing scent of lavender as you drift off to sleep. Sandalwood is a good alternative is lavender is not for you.

Read something uplifting before you sleep, and keep a gratitude diary, noting good things that you experienced during the day. And, of course – relax. Just sit quietly and say the word “relax” over and over. Ensure your whole body is relaxed – no clenched fists or teeth – and let thoughts drift out as easily as they drift in. In time, this will become much easier and will certainly help you to have a good night’s sleep.


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
