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buy Pregabalin online cheapThe festivities of December and end of 2014 are now beginning to fade and probably like some people, I find February a hard month to get through, (even though it’s the shortest month of our calendar) mostly due to the fact it’s the middle of winter, short dark days are still dragging on and the winter bugs are constantly bombarding us. So no wonder I feel tired, lethargic, as if my energy and vitality has been left behind with Xmas and New Year celebrations. Vitality. So what is it? It can be described as ‘the power giving continuance of life, present in all living things,’ or ‘physical or mental vigour’. In essence we all have it and most of us at some time will feel that this has been or is being compromised by stress, physical illness or a life event that has knocked us off balance. It is this effect, that myself as a homeopath aims to treat with my patients due to the impact life events or illness can have on someone’s vitality. In Homeopathic philosophy, vitality and the innate energy that drives it is known as the ‘vital force’, a name I like on a non-professional level as it describes both something that is needed and something to drive it, in order to maintain a balance in our health and wellbeing. The goal of the Homeopathic consultation is to gather as much information  about the patient as possible, complete a comprehensive medical history, including physical, psychological and emotional symptoms both past and present, to find a remedy that is as close to the symptoms being experienced as possible and at a strength or potency as it is known, that matches the impact on the patient’s vital force to bring about healing and balance on all levels. If you want to rebalance your vital force to get you through the last part of winter, ready to face the rest of the year, then this may just be the therapy you are looking for.                                                                                                                                                           Image courtesy of Paul Brentnall at FreeDigitalPhotos.net David Feakes, Homeopath at Vinings Natural Health Centre. For more information about any aspect of homeopathy, call David on 07906 338 584 or take a look at his website:  where can i buy Pregabalin .  

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Written by buy Pregabalin online australia. Posted in buy Pregabalin with mastercard

So what exactly is hypnotic gastric banding? How does it work? How does it differ from bariatric surgery? buy Pregabalin 150 mgBariatric surgery is weight-loss surgery: the term covers a number of procedures, the most common of which are gastric by-pass and gastric banding. This is currently available on the NHS to treat people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above – there is a move to have this reduced to 30. Those who have a BMI of 35 or higher and also suffer another serious health condition such as diabetes can also be considered. The operations can also be carried out privately. Typically having a hypnotic gastric band fitted would cost between £5,000 and £9,000, and a gastric by-pass operation would cost anything between £9,000 and £15,000. A gastric band operation is used to reduce the size of the stomach so that not so much food is needed to make you feel full. Imagine your stomach as a figure 0 – when the gastric band is in place it becomes a figure 8 with the top section smaller than the lower section. The top (smaller) section becomes your whole stomach, so of course it does not take as much food to fill it up. In a gastric bypass operation, tubing by-passes past most of the stomach so that less food is actually digested – but this also means that the body cannot extract and process the vital nutrients in the food that is eaten, meaning patients have to stick to a very strict diet with vitamin supplements. There is no doubt that both procedures are very effective and patients can lose up to 1/3 of their total body weight in a matter of months. However, this creates a separate problem – how to cope with the rolls of flab that are left hanging, primarily over the stomach. In many cases a second operation is required to cut this away. The side-effects of such operations can include blood clots and internal bleeding. Interestingly, on the NHS website, it also states that certain conditions including depression will not necessarily be improved by having such surgery. The “fitting” of a hypnotic gastric band is a non-invasive procedure that is done while the client is in a deep state of relaxation rather than under an anaesthetic. I only “fit” a hypnotic gastric band after several sessions with the client in which we uncover and resolve the real underlying emotional reasons why he or she is holding on to excess weight in the first place. It could be for comfort or protection against traumas such as childhood abuse, broken relationships, bullying at home, school or in the workplace,  or even termination of a pregnancy. Once the emotional onion has been peeled, and all of these issues have been dealt with and laid to rest, the client no longer needs that comfort or protection, and is ready to let go of the excess weight. Then – and only then – do we discuss whether he or she actually needs a gastric band at all. If the answer is yes, then it is a normal session where the client goes through a virtual operation, so to speak, from being in a comfortable private hospital room to having the pre-med, then being wheeled into the operating theatre, having the anaesthetic, then the gastric band is fitted, back to the room, come back and all is well.  That is, of course, a simplified version. The client’s unconscious is convinced that there is a real gastric band in place and therefore programmes the physical body accordingly. It is safer, simpler – and far more cost-effective than going under the surgeon’s knife. If you would like to know more, contact Judy Sharp, hypnotherapist at Vinings Natural Health Centre on 07597 020 512 or go to:  where can i buy Pregabalin over the counter.    


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
