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Sophia Russell, Reiki Master and Teacher , is running two Reiki courses in January and February 2024. The first course, on 27 January is a Level One (foundation) course for those wishing to learn to use it for themselves and their friends. The second, on 3 February, is a more advanced Level 2 practitioner course. […]
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It has become a tradition for Vinings Natural Health Centre to set up a stall at Lindfield’s equally traditional Village Day on the Green, and this year is no exception.We shall be there with various members of the Vinings therapy team to talk to you about the range of complementary and natural therapies and treatments […]
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Midlife Mayhem brings together speakers covering a range of topics hugely relevant to women going through all sorts of changes, not just menopause.This event is organised by Lisa Moore of FitforMoore, a good friend of Vinings Natural Health Centre, and we are delighted to support her timely initiative.Entry to Midlife Mayhem, which is being held […]