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Following on from the successful launch of our Holistic Book Club last month, our November meeting is to be held on 19 November at 10am and we will discuss the well-known The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma.  This book is available from Waterstones or Amazon.

We’re meeting at a different venue this time, at the function room at the Beech Hurst Harvester, Beech Hurst Gardens, Haywards Heath.

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Do you enjoy reading and learning about alternative therapies and personal development? Would you like to learn more and share ideas with other like-minded people? A group of therapists at Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath have decided to launch a new alternative therapy based book club. Over the course of meetings we will look at books in a wide variety of fields. The choice of which books and subjects we cover will be very much up to you. The club will hold its first meeting in Cafe Rouge on Tuesday 15 October 2019 at 10.00 a.m. The aim of the alternative book club is to read selected titles from a variety of fields in self help and alternative therapy. To kick it off we will be reading the classic: how to purchase Pregabalinbuy generic Pregabalin. It would be fantastic if you could get hold of a copy before the meeting. Maybe you could have a go at some of the practical exercises so that you can begin to form an opinion. Don’t worry if you haven’t finished it by the time you come though. We’re sure you’ll still enjoy the meeting. The club will also be attended by Vinings therapists, buy Pregabalin canada online, buy Pregabalin online cheap, where can i buy Pregabalin and where to order Pregabalin online. If you are interested in attending the first meeting then do please sign up through our Facebook Event, or send an email tobuy Pregabalin cheap The event is free of charge, and you can purchase tea, coffee or cake at the Cafe. There is no requirement to make a purchase. So why not sign-up and buy Pregabalin india. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 15 October at Cafe Rouge in Haywards Heath at 10 a.m.


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
