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Midlife Mayhem brings together speakers covering a range of topics hugely relevant to women going through all sorts of changes, not just menopause.

This event is organised by Lisa Moore of FitforMoore, a good friend of Vinings Natural Health Centre, and we are delighted to support her timely initiative.

Entry to Midlife Mayhem, which is being held at Clair Hall, Perrymount Road in Haywards Heath, is £10, in aid of St Catherine’s Hospice. It all starts at 7pm.

The speakers are:

Vivienne Smith 

Having worked as an image consultant, manageress of a beauty salon, writer, presenter, author, artist and teacher, Vivienne finally realized that she wanted to combine her existing skills and life experience and qualify as a practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. It’s the perfect fit of teaching, creativity and empowering women to overcome their challenges, fulfill their potential and achieve their goals. Her book, THE SINGLE MUM’S SURVIVAL GUIDE, was published in 2014.

 “The power of Personal Image” Vivienne’s talk will inspire you to with her personal story of heartbreak and ask you ‘ what role would you play in a pantomime?

 She will explain the importance of discovering and celebrating the real you. Allowing you to you look and feel beautiful expressing your individuality and personality, irrespective of the age or stage of life you’re at now.

Jane Muddle

Jane started work in Human Resources which led her to a 20 year career in Pension Fund Management. After long period of ill health she left corporate life in 2001, and became self-employed working in business with the Virgin Group, and Richard Branson as her boss! Leaving ‘Richard’ in January 2010, she set up her own business, Madajazz, the retailer and importer of hand woven colourful raffia bags and hats from Madagascar, but her talk is not all about bags!

Jane’s talk  ‘If you don’t like the results, change the focus’, is her own story, which has inspired many.  Whether it’s your business or personal life that is being challenged, this will give you the courage to make changes ………… and see how you can move forward successfully.

Tanith Lee

Tanith started a very early menopause at 38 years old and has set her life’s ambition to help women understand exactly what the Menopause is and how to manage it in the best way possible.

“I want to help women shine in their mid-life years and beyond. I want to stop women writing themselves off when they hit their 40’s and 50’s. I am passionate about SELF-LOVE and SELF-CARE. As women we (generally) spend our time looking after others (family, friends, husbands, partners, kids, animals, parents). Nothing wrong with that HOWEVER we need to look after ourselves FIRST.” 


We look forward to seeing you there! 


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Last year we took part in the Mind, Body, Spirit event in Haywards Heath – and we enjoyed it so much we’re doing it all over again! Ali McNab, who organised last year’s event, is also behind this one, which will take place at the Martlets Hall in Burgess Hill on Saturday 27th February from 10am to 5pm.

Why not come along and say hello? Various members of the Vinings team will be there, so you can talk about natural health remedies, treatments and therapies, and overall wellbeing. Perhaps even enjoy a taster neck and shoulder massage too (it’s worth a visit just for that!).

The Martlets Hall is right in the town centre at Burgess Hill, and there is plenty of pay & display parking close by. There is also a good bus service around the town, and the train station is no more than 10 minutes away.

For full information, go to:  .

We look forward to seeing you there!

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So we’ve got past the new year’s resolutions: the craze for the gym is fading, whatever you gave up for January is creeping back into your routine … and yet you feel that you owe it to yourself to shape up for the new year.

Why not come along and have a general “MoT”?

Kirsty Lander, our resident Naturopath, will give you an all-over check-up using a highly-effective mix of tools from her kitbag. She can re-balance your energy, advise you if there are items or ingredients your system doesn’t like, and even do a bit of re-programming to help your body on its way.

Robert Sanders is an NLP Practitioner and Life Coach. He can help you find a positive direction, set manageable goals and help you achieve them, be it in your professional or personal life.

Carole Thornton works with aromatherapy, Reiki and healing. de-stressing and re-balancing at every level. The combination of an aromatherapy massage, with specially-selected essential oils, and a touch of healing along the way, brings a wonderful sense of relaxation and deeper wellbeing.

Emma Barrington is the right person to sort out your diet and nutrition: she’ll give you practical advice that’s easy to follow, and hints and tips to help you stay on track.

Graham Lines is a specialist in sports and remedial massage, so if you’ve been overdoing it on the pitch or at the gym, he can ease you back into shape. And if need be, he can do strapping, taping and ultrasound too.

Caroline Burton is the lady to go to when you want to put your best foot forward: a reflexology treatment will balance the whole body, and Caroline can also sort out general foot care issues.

Isobel Staynes is the acupuncture specialist, perfect for easing blocked energy and very effective for morning sickness and through pregnancy, as well as other conditions.

Deborah Ferguson is the Vinings’ podiatrist / chiropodist, so she can diagnose and treat disorders of the foot, ankle and lower limbs: perfect for getting you back on your feet again!

Yaso Shan is Vinings’ herbal medicine specialist, and she can make up special remedies to restore vitality, well-being and fitness. She also has her own range of creams and lotions for body care, which contain no harmful ingredients.

Dr Lynne Jordan offers counselling and psychotherapy to provide support when life’s challenges can seem too much to cope with. Her broad experience can guide you to find solutions and resolution to specific issues.

David Feakes can help balance the body with homeopathy, which can support the treatment of a number of conditions at physical and psychological levels: all natural, all good.

Judy Sharp works with hypnotherapy and past life regression to get to the real root cause of a wide range of issues. By resolving them at source, you are then free to move on – real new year, new you!

Whichever route you decide to take, you will find all the help, advice and support you need at Vinings Natural Health Centre!


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF