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Come and join us for a series of talks on aspects of health and wellbeing given by some of our therapists here at Vinings Natural Health Centre, Church Rd, Haywards Heath RH16 3UF (shared entrance with Clover Court).
All talks are on Tuesdays, 7pm – 8pm.
Limited spaces so booking is essential.
Call on 01444 441 210, leave a message, or email on:info@viningsnaturalhealthcentre.co.uk
13th Is HRT safe? Discussing the controversies surrounding the conventional treatment of menopause, suggesting suitable herbal alternatives. YASO SHAN
20th 10 steps to gently getting you back to exercise.
27th Ayurvedic treatment of digestive disorders (IBS, food intolerances, bloating, loss of appetite, acid reflux)
4th Using language for a change: how the words we use affect our experience of the world. ROBERT SANDERS
11th Hypnotherapy and can I make you cluck like a chicken? SANDRA SLINGER
18th Relaxation/Meditation/Inspiration: an opportunity to learn some self-healing skills to help you in this time of change.
25th Vibrational Healing, with a particular focus on Jin Shin Jyutsu® Physio-Philosophy: the ancient art of harmonising the life energy in the body. CHRISSIE DIMITRI-COOPER
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Come and meet some of the experienced therapists who work here, find out more about the treatments and therapies on offer.
Which could best help and support you at a physical, mental or emotional level?
Enjoy free taster sessions on certain treatments – no need to book, just come along.
Church Rd,
Haywards Heath
RH16 3UF
(shares an entrance with Clover Court)
01444 441 210
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On 4th June 2022, the Vinings team are back at the Village Day on Lindfield Common.
Come and meet the practitioners and learn more about your local Natural Health Centre. There is a whole range of expertise available at our peaceful centre on Church Road in Haywards Heath, and many of our therapists will be on the Common to answer your questions, give advice or just to say hello and chat.
Massage therapists, acupuncturists, podiatrists, life coaches, hypnotherapists and counsellors are just some of the experts who will be available throughout the day. There will be some health products and books to buy on the stand which is positioned near the playground.
Please do come and see us at this special event.