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An article by Robert Sanders, Life Coach, Timeline Therapist and NLP Practitioner
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where to buy Pregabalin ukWe all need to feel safe and secure. This seems like one of the most straightforward of the basic psychological needs. Your unconscious (or subconscious) mind is naturally sensitive to any threats to your safety and security. This need for security is the origin of our most deep-based fears. This is where you learn to notice dangers and respond instinctively to them.

Common sense tells us that we need to avoid things like fire, physical violence, falling from a great height, being attacked by a wild animal, being poisoned or being severely cold or exposed. These go without saying, and your unconscious mind knows how to protect you from these, so you may feel natural fear when faced with a lion, or something being on fire. You will instinctively avoid standing close to the edge on a high building if there is no barrier. You will want to get somewhere warm or wrap your clothes tighter around you if it gets cold.

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We all have a basic psychological need to look after our minds and bodies. This is one of the prime directives of our unconscious minds and mentioned in the list of basic needs identified by the buy Pregabalin online cheap

It stands to reason that we have evolved this as a psychological driver. If we were not intrinsically designed to look after ourselves then surely, as a race, we could not survive. This drive exists across the natural world, every living thing lives with the overall drive to survive physically and mentally (within its capacity to do so).

What is amazing is the extent to which we, as humans, appear to push against this need!

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buy Pregabalin 150 mg, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Timeline Therapist at Vinings, writes:

In my previous article, where can i buy Pregabalin over the counter, I wrote about the nine basic human needs, suggested in the Human Givens approach. Fulfilling these needs could be the key to improving our well-being and mental health.

When you are suffering from issues such as depression, anxiety or generally experiencing low mood and having trouble coping with life, paying more attention to these needs, even slightly, can lead to greater happiness.

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In this article I am focussing on the first of these needs – the need to ‘give and receive attention’.

If you have ever had a small child, you will know all about the need to receive attention. As very small children, getting the attention of others is a key to survival and self-development. When you think about it, without the attention of a parent or family member, a child would not be able to get the food and care it needs. Equally the child would not learn language or develop other basic tools for future independence.


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
