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What can all this frenzy lead to? Stress. We are frazzled, rushed, and trying to do it all. As a result of all this stress we can experience weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and digestive issues. The physical symptoms of stress become normal and the doctor prescribes medication. Long term chronic stress can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other serious illness.

Even though we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, the good news is that there are better ways of coping with stress in order to reduce the effects on our health. Self-care is essential for your physical and mental health and well-being. Self-care is at the bottom of the list for most women, giving way to the mother, wife and any other role that needs to be filled. So how do you keep up?

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We all tend to put everyone else first, and ourselves last, don’t we? But that doesn’t do us any good, or those around us. It’s time to learn the Art of Self Care, in a series of totally free talks at Vinings Natural Health Centre.

Each Tuesday evening starting on Tuesday 18th September, 7pm – 8pm, one of our therapists will share their knowledge and experience on the topic of The Art of Self Care. The talks are free but space is limited so please do let us know if you are planning to come along – call 01444 441 210 and leave us a message – thank you!

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  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
